eIMMIGRATION by Cerenade
eIMMIGRATION by Cerenade is more than just a Forms software, it is your personal assistant helping you manage your cases, clients, forms, reporting tools, billing, and much more.
With eIMMIGRATION, you have a central location that can store everything regarding your immigration practice. Need to create a client profile to store client information? We have that. Need a series of forms to be auto populated? Easy. Need a place to create reminders, appts, and delegate tasks to your staff? We have that as well.
You see with eIMMIGRATION, we know that your job isn’t only to fill out forms, so we built a software catered to help you from point A to point Z, making it easier for you, your staff, and your clients.
And because it is a cloud-based application, it can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone from anywhere. You can access it from the office, or if working remotely, access it from home. By having a cloud software, you can have instant access to your cases, forms, and client profiles from anywhere.
As technology advances, so should the way you manage your practice.
For more info visit our website: Click Here